Just look at the benefits of being a partner with us

IRI has productive relationships with independent distributors of medical devices and technologies. We can help connect your health education or medical technology business with universities, hospitals, community and private health clinics throughout China and its Belt and Road partner-countries.

We can also promote certified international rehabilitation therapists seeking to grow their client list.

Your opportunity: to expand your horizon now, talk to us about including your credentials in our directory of certified international rehabilitation therapists.


IRI 现已同医疗设备和技术的独立分销商建立了卓有成效的强大关系。 我们可以帮助您发展健康教育或医疗技术业务,与中国及其“一带一路”伙伴国家的大学、医院、社区和私人诊所建立联系。


机不可失:立即得到拓宽视野的机会,联系我们,获得认证,加入 IRI 目录并成为认证国际康复治疗师的一员。