A powerhouse of training for your benefit

The International Rehabilitation Institute (IRI) is the home of the world’s leading minds in rehabilitation medicine.

It is a powerhouse of training, technology and clinical solutions for the medical professionals of China and its Belt and Road partner-countries.

The Faculty and Advisory Board is led by eminent medical practitioners, trained in some of the most prestigious universities around the world. All are highly accomplished and talented practitioners and academics in their field.

Training is delivered in online video instruction and with live interactive video streaming. Training materials and delivery are in English and Mandarin Chinese.


国际康复学院 (IRI) 汇聚了全球康复医学的众多领军人物。

IRI 提供强大专业的师资力量,为中国及其“一带一路”伙伴国家的医务专业人员提供一系列全面的培训、技术和临床解决方案。

我们的专业师资团队和咨询委员会由全球顶尖名校培养的精英从业医师领导。 团队的所有成员均为富有才华的优秀从业者,在各自专业领域取得了高水平的学术成就。

培训采用互动视频与直播相结合的教学模式。 培训材料和授课语言是中英文双语。